Sunday, May 3, 2015

Britt Mc Henry

Britt McHenry

Did you hear most colleges and universities have suddenly and quite drastically dropped their tuition rates? We’re talking even Harvard’s gone down by forty percent!
The reason why? Well frankly, after Britt Mc Henry’s video rant went viral, college enrollments almost came to a stand-still and universities overall lost several millions in stocks alone.
Man, the damn woman, Mc Henry, just about caused the market to collapse once again!
So basically, would-be students were afraid of their impending educations-and potentially turning into fucking morons just like Britt Mc Henry!

I guess cliff notes, the jackets of books and googling Wikipedia-then plagiarizing every other word are important in some college curriculums; it evidently worked for Britt Mc Henry!

Guess who flew through their college classes-undoubtedly paying geeks to do her papers, the only class passed on her own-“How to be a Fuckin’ Cunt 101”?
-Britt Mc Henry, dip shit!

Did you know that as of late, many colleges and even some major universities such as Cambridge, Harvard and Stanford, will be offering a lower grade curriculum for slower students?
That’s right, the text books for these classes will be thin and have pop-up pictures with very short sentences.
These new curriculums were just put into effect quite recently and inspired by Britt Mc Henry.
But many deans are concerned that if she goes back to school, that those simplified courses will be too challenging for her!

Latest federal warning sent to all salons, hairdressers and retailers selling hair bleach:
Government advisory: Women who bleach their hair blonde may lose brain cells and become dumb as shit, just like Britt Mc Henry.

Did you hear that in a move paralleled only by the Watergate scandal, Northwestern University is feverishly in the process of destroying transcripts, records, bank transactions and other school records-all to destroy evidence that Britt Mc Henry ever attended Northwestern!

Did you hear that degrees are half off right now at Northwestern University?
Yeah, that’s right; seems a lot of students that were just about to start decided to pull out, once they got a load of alumni graduate Britt Mc Henry.
Turns out, lots of business has been lost. Tons of students are scared shitless they’re going to turn out dumb as fuck, just like Britt Mc Henry!

Talk about karmic retribution-
So, ESPN actually won’t be getting rid of Britt Mc Henry due to her bad mouthing the tow lot attendant. They’re going to be getting rid of her because viewers have sent in feedback that Britt’s so fuckin skinny her face looks old and skeletal. And they want younger blood in there; someone who has a backside and a real education!

Did you hear about the new I.Q. test out there?
Not only does it measure intelligence, it also measures insanity levels. How it’s done is, you get your car towed, then when you go to pick up your car, they film it, to see how you behave!

Did you know that TAMPAX is coming out with The Super Duper-Pooper Tampon?
Double sided, it’s inserted into both the vagina and asshole.
It was inspired after Britt Mc Henry. It’s for that special lady, that’s both a cunt and an asshole!

Did you know that Britt Mc Henry is now regretting her formal education?
She thinks that if she’d spent more money, it would have bailed her out of her viral video mess!

Britt Mc Henry is so dumb, that she thinks if she’d gone to Harvard instead of Northwestern, she wouldn’t be in her viral video predicament!

Yeah, well it finally happened. ESPN has tossed Britt Mc Henry out on her ass and on the curb.
There, she’ll finally get a real education. It’s called, “The School of Hard Knocks!”

Did you know that some big shot Hollywood director is going to make a crossover film, utilizing the 1950’s era-Marilyn Monroe period with the present-with Britt Mc Henry?
It will be called, “The Seven Year Bitch”.
Since distributors are already up his ass on it, the big shot director is already in talks for the second Marilyn Monroe meets Britt Mc Henry, especially seeing how Britt Mc Henry will be jobless and desperate soon.
This one will be called, “How to Fuckin Marry a Millionaire.”
After that, “The River of no Fuckin Return.”
And after that, because Britt Mc Henry and her lack of brains will surely squander everything she’s got-
Marilyn Monroe’s movie title that won’t need changing: “But Stop”.
And finally, when Britt Mc Henry has to resort to the oldest profession;
“The Prince and the Prostitute Girl”

Did you hear about the new Britt Mc Henry doll set for girls?
It comes with a Britt doll, pretty toy car, toy tow truck and a fat girl doll that girls can make fun of!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

I Had a Dream; Justinian, Acts, Kings


February 25, 2015

Vasilika Vanya Marinkovic

I had a dream this morning – February 2, 2015

Very disturbing
As I was The Thief.
I stole – stole heavily from “Justinian”.

*And for the Aftermath, complimentary wise, there is no insult intended*
The Set up for the DREAM

(Names have been changed to protect the innocent)
“Justinian” is a twenty five year old black man/guy I worked with at the Department of Health and Human Services (Welfare Division) in Fort Worth, Texas.

All were peaceful runnings-
Until we got to the classroom.
He-Justinian- shined excelled- later got promoted out of there (The organization) due to his IT skills.
In and around the classroom-
I shined, started failing, two things I’m quite adept at.
I’d allowed personal issues to affect me heavily, that were outside of work.
Robert Junkcibum was a despicable white nineteen year old pig alpha male of a roommate I had; but I had to get him out of my home ASAP!
I needed to get all of “Vanya” back immediately
No reprieve!
There will be no punishment for myself.
Despite the fact, I AM not God.
But a mere vessel carrying this message forth
I utilized local police of “White Settlement” (province area of Fort Worth) to get the American self- made Alpha smorgasbord, Robert Junkcibum nineteen year old fuc’ out of my home.
Despite the fact, I am not God.
Why precisely, do I keep disclaiming this as if my alter/major ego deems it noteworthy, precious, importante’ and opportune to emphasize the fact, that I am NOT GOD!

*And for the Aftermath, complimentary wise, there is no insult intended*

And to further prove I AM NOT GOD;
But a mere vessel carrying this message forth

As the dream I will convey-unfolds;

I performed a devilish/demonic thing by ripping off Justinian, as this dream/ode is truly dedicated to-(and learning our earliest civilization-one that has been lost by the wayside eons ago.)
Thus be told the story the dream:

That is what the dream-my dream conveyed.

*And for the Aftermath, complimentary wise, there is no insult intended*
I am not God
But a mere vessel carrying this message forth

We (Justinian and I) were somewhere-hotel-train, something travelling-with others.
Justinian was amongst the group in my dream
Case in point, this essay, this Ode, this expulsion from evil and final absolution of my base desires and tendency to steal
The most ferverous (Yes, it is a new word that I have brought into very creation!)
The most ferverous days left behind as a youth, collecting dust now in the annals of time to be revisited again and again and again to show “Thou shalt not steal.”

*And for the Aftermath, complimentary wise, there is no insult intended*

Justinian had something insurmountably valuable.
I HAD to have it-at all cost.
I HAD to, even if it meant losing my morals-everything I possess and myself, my very soul even.
Blink. Bejeweled eyes. (This is borrowed pray tell; however, I am in the clearance from thyself)
Disclaimer-I AM not GOD.
But a mere vessel carrying this message forth

*And for the Aftermath, complimentary wise, there is no insult intended*

Justinian. He didn’t even know it was/is valuable. That was a shame.
(How very typical for smart young people)-Back to the dream
But I arranged its stealing.
Not very sophisticated at all, mind you.
For he (Justinian) possessed a small book shelf-rugged-better days behind it.
(At least 3500 year before Christ)
Better days behind it-the treasured magnificent and very weathered bookcase-the He Justinian possessed, let me make clear, not even knowing the value of it.

I am not God, but I have been visited several times by He in all his forms.
But a mere vessel carrying this message forth

Bejeweled-eyes blinked. They would forgive the borrowing (not of the bookcase, merely the phrase.)
Note: To a supreme Thief, a steal can be translated to “borrowing”.

*And for the Aftermath, complimentary wise, there is no insult intended*

I am NOT GOD, (But a mere vessel carrying this message forth)
I AM NOT GOD Continuance-though I have been visited and gained insight into our earliest history of civilization and before. The Bookcase, the treasured angelic bookcase, chock full of everything.

It was full of old books, very significant old books.
And I know what lie therein.
Very valuable. Invaluable.
I very archaically stole the case, so stupidly obvious.
(In a heist-heist even way beyond me!)-back to the dream!
The bookcase, the missing bookcase!
People knew it was missing right away, for how many people would travel with a bookcase?
Perhaps Justinian, a tender age of a quarter century, much like the Ancient Greek philosophers and the men and princes kings queen before, searching-searching for the truth! O Lord

Where is a real/true human being, in all his essence, his shine that the God(s) deemed glorious, worthy, true and correct?!?

Reprieve, retrieve! The recollection of the treasure(s): And the case in point, of a missing/very valuable collection of books-lost in history, missed in yesteryear and now.

It was full of old books, very significant old books.
And I know what lie therein.
Very valuable. Invaluable.
I very archaically stole the case, so stupidly obvious.
People knew it was missing right away, for how many people would travel with a bookcase?
Eyes searched about the immediate premises.
Saw the covered-crude mound in my room, for the bookcase lie therein.
The bookcase had been covered lamely with my black jacket and blue towel.
I have held/possessed this black jacket for years. It is symbolic of protection and devastation.
The blue towel remains after the purple, symbolic of death of the young in ancient Greece:
Yes, yes, the jacket the towel both symbolic pieces covering this treasured yet doubly over stolen bookcase, what an atrocity, a crime and woeful lechery of a deceit and furthermore from a trusted and kind hearted cohort at work! Justinian I am truly sorry for this lechery of being a thief, which is in my blood, which is in my heart, mind and even my very own soul!
O cry wail mourn the ancient Greeks! For YOU came before us! Birthed us like little neophytes that chirped, whined, burped! Babies O babes. I am not God.
But a mere vessel carrying this message forth

*And for the Aftermath, complimentary wise, there is no insult intended

Back to the dream!
Justinian I was lost in time, like always….
Much like a time traveler who is privy to seeing occurrences throughout history that have slipped by the wayside
The bejeweled eyes, who keep it, found it and brought me forward to you. You will grow explore in this brave and plumbeus world we are now amidst in.
Later in the dream-
I am not God
But a mere vessel carrying this message forth

After the deceit and the spotting of the overly obvious crude mound in my room, which covered the bookcase, the all formidable and lost/found treasure of the bookcase:
I do not know what happened in the intervening time, as many a dream have us time traveling-madly!

*And for the Aftermath, complimentary wise, there is no insult intended* I AM NOT GOD
But a mere vessel carrying this message forth

Back to the dream!

I had a discussion with Justinian.
I was insanely jealous of his body of work his accomplishments, particularly also,
One of the most popular songs of all time;

The Thong Song

Vasilika Vanya Marinkovic